Military Acronyms and Definitions -

joint manpower program

The policy, processes, and systems used in determination and prioritization within and among joint Service manpower requirements.

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civil administration

An administration established by a foreign government in (1) friendly territory, under an agreement with the government of the area concerned, to exercise certain authority normally the function of the local government; or (2) hostile territory, occupied by United States forces, where a foreign government exercises executive, legislative, and judicial authority until an indigenous civil government can be established.

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site exploitation

A series of activities to recognize, collect, process, preserve, and analyze information, personnel, and/or materiel found during the conduct of operations.

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intelligence requirement

Any subject, general or specific, upon which there is a need for the collection of information, or the production of intelligence.

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multinational integrated logistic unit

An organization resulting when two or more nations agree to provide logistics assets to a multinational logistic force under the operational control of a multinational commander for the logistic support of a multinational force.

View Other Definitions is a searchable online resource of military terms and military acronyms as defined by the United States Department of Deference's latest Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.

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