Distribution Definition - MilitaryDictionary.org


Term Source: JP 4-0 (Joint Logistics) ?

1.) The process of assigning military personnel to activities, units, or billets.

2.) The arrangement of troops for any purpose, such as a battle, march, or maneuver.

3.) A planned spread of fire to cover a desired frontage or depth.

4.) The operational process of synchronizing all elements of the logistic system to deliver the "right things" to the "right place" at the "right time" to support the geographic combatant commander.

5.) A planned pattern of projectiles about a point.

6.) An official delivery of anything, such as orders or supplies.

See Also:

In the United States, military vocabulary is standardized by the Department of Defence. These terms are used by the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.

Term Classification: logistics


Department of Defence, Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms

Term sourced from JP 4-0: Joint Logistics, updated October 2013 View source document

This term is marked as active and was last updated in 2015

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